
Mainstream Media and Web 2.0

Read/Write Web has an interesting post looking at the use of RSS and social bookmarking (Digg, and Newsvine) by fifteen or so mainstream media outlets.  Their post is similar in many ways to the newspaper and magazine studies we did a few months back that looked at the features on the major player's websites....

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Snap WordPress Plugin

We implemented a new WordPress plugin (Snap Preview) this week that uses Snap to provide visual previews of  links on mouseover.  Nothing revolutionary going on here, but it is nice plugin candy for people into that sort of thing (me). 

Screenshot below:

Go here if you want to install....

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Some Nifty Web Apps

We've been a bit preoccupied here at TBG with the emergence of a new crop political websites.  Taking a break from politics,  here's a quick roundup of some nifty little Web apps that I found recently. 

Visual Page Rank

  • Ever wonder what links get the most traffic on your webpage or blog? 
  • ...
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Voter Contacts During 2006 Election Cycle

Pew Internet Life released a fascinating study a few days back (PDF) that looked at voter contacts during the 2006 election.  Below is a table summarizing the key findings:

Two things jump out at me here:

(1) 56% of folks surveyed received recorded calls urging them to vote,...

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Facebook Spawns Students for Barack Obama

I got the following email from Frank Chi, a college senior and the communications director for a new organization called Students for Barack Obama.

“Hi Todd, my name is Frank Chi and I am a college senior and communications director for a newly formed national grassroots campaign, Students for Barack Obama,...

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