
Partnering with the Innovation Works Conference

For the latest edition of SLURP140 – we partnered with the National Journal's Innovation Works Conference on Thursday July 13th. For this event, our talented designers created a custom skin for the SLURP140 tool and integrated NJ's logo. We'll be tracking both #njinnovation and #njliveevents – and will update this blog post with usage statistics after the conference....

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Friday Afternoon Twitter Flush: Reviewing @tweepi @FriendOrFollow & @untweeps

Is your Twitter stream getting an little overwhelming? If so, or if your just looking to improve your @Klout score or kill some time on a rainy day, one thing to consider is purging your Twitter list of people you are following, but who for whatever reason are not following you back (shocking right?)....

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What’s up with that Twitter hashtag on your Fox TV show?

During last Friday’s episode of the Fox sci-fi show Fringe titled “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide,” Walter, Peter, Broyles, and Bellivia were tripping on LSD.  I almost thought  that I was tripping when I saw “#Fringe” just above the logo of Fox 5 (WTTG – the DC affiliate) in the lower right hand side of the screen (different affiliate logo pictured below)....

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Snakes on a Plane, uh… on Twitter!

Yesterday I had one of those hand-to-forehead moments.  “Why didn’t I think of that?!!!”

Over the weekend an Egyptian Cobra snake disappeared at the Bronx Zoo in New York City, and as a 21st Century snake it decided to tweet its adventures – see @BronxZoosCobra.  So far it has gone on the Sex and the City tour,...

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Charles in Charge of the Net (@CharlieSheen)

From the morning shows to Google News, to taking over 3/ 5 spots on somercards, it’s been tough to miss Mr. Sheen’s presence this week. Although the buzz was strong yesterday, since Mr. Sheen @CharlieSheen himself joined Twitter and started conversing with @iamdiddy and others, the volume has really taken off....

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