Anyone that has been to a tech conference the last few years knows that there is a huge amount of back channel communication that occurs on Twitter. People provide live coverage of the talks they go to. People organize dinner plans. People stage revolts against panelists. The conversation is constant,...
Continue ReadingI’ve been doing web work for over ten years, so I’m sort of jaded about new websites and online initiatives. I’m not easily impressed. It gives me great joy when I run into something truly new and novel, as I did last night.
I happened on the website,...
Continue ReadingI wrote a post a few weeks back that looked at how Facebook and Twitter compare as traffic drivers. What I didn’t mention in my post is that over the course of the last six to twelve months the amount of traffic driven by both sites has grown exponentially.
Last week at the 140 Conference,...
Continue ReadingTwitter was barely off the ground before companies and programmers were looking for ways to monetize it, and a new tool by 83 Degrees has found a new way to do that.
The tech company on Sunday launched Super Chirp, a subscription-based service allowing Twitter users to require payment to receive certain direct messages....
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