
Brick by Brick, Round 2

It used to be that when you launched a new website you would have two to three years before the design started to feel dated.  Given how quickly things are moving now, a design can start feeling stale after as little as six months.  The battle against dated design is constant.  ...

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8 Web Design and Development Training Sites

In a world where twelve-year-olds are able to create an intricate social networking framework, many businesses have transitioned to nearly full digital marketplace capabilities, and where individuals become undoubtedly incapacitated by the loss of a wireless signal, it is safe to say that knowing the ins-and-outs of the web is not just for the techies anymore,...

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7 Great Examples of The “Contact Us” Page

With the amount of media the average user interacts with on a daily basis, it is understandable why it’s so difficult to capture an audience. In today’s world, having a website is simply not enough. You must have an exemplary product or service, thought provoking content and ideas to lure in a visitor,...

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Conversation Through a Browser: Tips for Humanizing Websites

Imagine a conversation with an old friend over a cup of coffee. You lean back in an over-stuffed leather chair as you casually discuss politics, the news and recount all the exciting things you’ve done since you were last able to talk. Its natural, your conversation isn’t forced and you even though its been months since you last talked your conversation just flows....

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10 Examples of Nonprofits Utilizing Mobile Applications Successfully

According to Nielson, as of March 2012 smart-phones are now in use by 50.4% of American consumers. When this statistic came out, Android dominated the market at 48.5% of all smart-phone purchases while the iPhone was in a close second at 32%. With these statistics in place, Nonprofits (NPO’s) have taken notice and have begun increasing their mobile presence through creative and unique applications....

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