
How to Build a Better Political Campaign Website…

(1) Create a graphic design that says something about the candidate.  Most candidate websites are cookie cutter in terms of design.  Stand out by creating a graphic identity that actually speaks to who the candiate is.  The Kinky Friedman for Governor website is a good example of a site design with some personality....

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Research review: Metropolitan Websites as Urban Communications

If you needed information about your city, it makes sense to head over to the metropolitan website to begin figuring out what's what. A research study by Cleveland State's Leo Jeffres and UConn's Carolyn Lin appears in Indiana University's Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. The study examines how the websites of the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the US represented their cities and how well their websites communicated with the public,...

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Apple’s (Virtually) Painless Recall

When I first read that Apple was recalling batteries on certain laptops, I didn't think for a minute that the iBook G4 I own had anything to do with it. Sure, the battery did get extremely hot at times, but if anything, it was comforting, not unlike a sleeping cat. I certainly didn't (want to) think that my innocent little iBook would ever explode....

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Ten Technologies Change the World

John Voelcker, an interactive media strategist, released a review of the top ten technologies that are changing the world. His list is based on technologies developed by social entrepreneurs who thought through the development , usability and financing of their solutions. 

Voelcker's list is as follows, followed by summaries (based on his paper) of what these products actually do:


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Microfinancing online

Over the past few years, microfinancing has grown in popularity with a number of internationally focused entrepreneurs and international development workers. The concept of microfinance was introduced by Dr. Muhammad Yunas, who began an experiment in Bangladesh in the mid 1970’s. The professor gave a group of 42 women only $27 to start a bamboo chairmaking operation.  ...

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