
Obama Homepage: Before and After

The Barack Obama campaign has been rolling out new features on its website at an impressive clip. A campaign timeline. Headquarters pages for each of the early primary states. A mobile program. Good stuff and they are clearly doing a wonderful job online.

But in the process of launching this stuff,...

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CNN Beta is Gone

As we noted a few weeks ago, CNN launched a new beta site to test its features for its forthcoming relaunch scheduled for next week on July 1st.  The beta site is now off-line.  Senior Vice President and Senior Executive Producer Mitch Gelman explains on the beta site's blog that:

We've absorbed and dissected that feedback so we can evolve and craft a that works for you....

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CNN Launches New Beta Website

This morning, Steve pointed to me to the new beta version of the website, which is now available for public testing. You can view it here and take a guided tour of the new site here. Following are a few things that jumped out at me:...

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Jakob Nielsen and the Fiery Tub of Money

Usabilty celebrity Jakob Nielsen has been the go-to authority on everything web-related for some time now. I have seen him in Boston, San Francisco and Amsterdam (I think). I have purchased, and been reimbursed for, several of his books. He’s a funny guy and a lot of laughs at seminars and yet I believe I am done with our friend....

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The Problem with Newsvine

I’ve always been an admirer of the concept and execution of the social news site Newsvine. I wrote about it glowingly when it first came out. Conceptually it always seemed like a good compromise between the chaos of sites like Digg and the top down nature of traditional newspaper websites....

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