Web 2.0

Top 5 Author Blogs

Everyone knows about author bloggers like Guy Kawasaki and Seth Godin. But outside of the Technorati Top 100, there are a lot of authors that have used blogs to create fantastic communities of users. Here are my five favorite, slightly lower profile author blogs:

(5) Malcolm Gladwell


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You Can’t Stop Ron Paul, You Can Only Hope to Contain Him

A couple of months ago, I wrote an article about the efforts of supporters of Ron Paul to promote Paul-related news articles to the Digg homepage. Along similar lines, there was a story yesterday on ABCNews.com about a resounding Paul victory in an online poll that asked who won the recent Republican debate....

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Five Reasons Property Managers Need to Develop Better Online Programs

I am currently in the midst of the incredibly frustrating process of finding a new apartment here in DC. As I become more and more involved in this process, I am realizing that finding an apartment would be much easier if real estate and property management companies used the internet better….or if they used it at all....

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The Case for Supporter Control of MySpace

If our poll is any indication, there really isn’t any consensus on whether political candidates should maintain official MySpace presences or let supporters lead the way. I tried to make the case for official presences a few days back.

E.M. Zanotti has a great post arguing the other side. ...

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Online Venom or Vibrant speech?

Washington Post Ombudsman Deborah Howell did a hit job in her column today on the Post’s decision to allow comments on all articles. Here are the first few paragraphs, which pretty clearly demonstrate her attitude:

Not so long ago, the only way to talk back to The Post was to write a civil letter to the editor,...

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