Website review

Try Clicky for Blog Statistics

We’ve had a bumpy history with blog statistics programs here at The Bivings Report. Services we like keep getting shut down.

Here is a quick summary:

  1. Industry leader Measure Map got bought by Google a year ago and since then has closed registrations for new users.
  2. ...
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Five Technologies that Will Impact the 2008 Elections

Patrick Ruffini has a good post about an online poll he came across that asked what technology would have the biggest impact on the 2008 election cycle.  YouTube is winning the poll in a landslide.  Ruffini writes:

That’s a “fighting the last war” mentality. Ask the pundits to predict what will work in the next election cycle and they’ll repeat what worked in the last one....

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McCain’s Website

John McCain launched his new website late last week and plenty of smart folks have already weighed in, so I'll skip a full review and just link out. 

I will say that upon seeing the site my first association was with the movie Schindler's List.  Like McCain's site,...

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Campaign Site Design Review: John Edwards

Part 2 of my presidential campaign site review series (Hillary was the first) finds us staring into the guts of the Edwards effort. We have clicked through the initial splash page, dodging the listserv sign-up and chose instead to enter the site.

I’m puzzled at the lack of photography on the main page....

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ESPN Allows Commenting on Every Article

Steve Rubel over at Micro Persuasion has the news that is now allowing readers to comment on every single story posted on their website, including wire stories.  Here is a controversial story about Tim Hardaway that has attracted over a 1,000 comments thusfar.  ESPN also has added a nice feature where they list out the most commented on stories (see right)....

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