
How to write a good agile user story

At Brick Factory we use an agile software development process to complete our website development work.  Put very simply, this means we break up the work that needs to be done into smaller pieces called user stories.  These stories are then prioritized and completed during a series of two week work sprints. ...

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Making Sure Your Site Adheres to GDPR “Cookie” Policies

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new set of rules issued by the European Union (EU) designed to give citizens more control over their personal data. From a web perspective, it requires Web sites that reach a European audience to actively inform site visitors of what data is being gathered by the site via cookies,...

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Brick Factory’s Nine Favorite Drupal Modules

Drupal is well known as an incredibly robust content management system, or CMS. Brick Factory uses Drupal for most of the websites we create, both for our customers, and for ourselves. One of the factors of Drupal that makes it so very versatile is the ability to add Drupal Modules....

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Delegating Work: A Super Zippy Guide to Releasing Your Death Grip on Control

Most of my conference sessions are inspired by the real-life problems we struggle with as a firm. For this year’s DrupalCon in Nashville, I tackled a challenge that most managers face at some point – how to delegate work to their team.

Trusting your team members to take on work that you are already doing successfully is tricky for a number of reasons....

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GDPR is coming. Here’s what you should be doing.

Have you received a bunch of emails about updated Privacy Policies recently?

Facebook, Microsoft, AdWeek, Pinterest, Slack. It seems everyone is making updates to comply with new European Union policy: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Should you care? Should you stop deleting those emails? What updates should you make to your website?...

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