
How is the coronavirus affecting your website traffic?

As the United States struggles to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, it goes without saying that it is topic 1, 2, and 3 in the country.  

According to Google Trends, on March 21 people were ten times more likely to search for coronavirus terms than the usually dominant Trump-related terms. ...

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A coronavirus update

I wanted to post a quick note for our clients and friends about how our Brick Factory team is handling the coronavirus pandemic.  

First, and foremost, our team is healthy and doing their best to take care of themselves and their communities.  Everyone is in a safe place to ride out the storm....

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Tips for Agencies Thinking of Going Remote

Earlier in the year, Brick Factory became a 100% remote company.  Chip Griffin from Agency Leadership Advisors recently had me on his podcast to discuss our decision to become a virtual agency.  You can listen to the podcast on his site or via the embed below.  

For those that don’t have thirty minutes to spare for the podcast,...

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Should your website provide Internet Explorer support?

Cockroaches are really hard to get rid of – they can live a week without their head.  Internet Explorer has similar survival skills. Even though the most recent version of IE was released in 2013, Internet Explorer’s browser share has remained high enough that it can’t be dismissed out of hand....

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Our Decision to Go Remote

I founded the Brick Factory in late 2011, and in early 2016 we moved into our dream office.  The space is in the heart of DC near the White House and we were able to build it out from scratch.   It is beautiful and we have loved working here.

But right around the time we moved into the new office,...

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