
Brick Factory’s Favorite Holiday Pairings


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The Brick Factory’s Favorite Websites

Do you have a favorite website that you visit over and over again? This could be a website that assists you at work or is just simply fun.

Well, the Brick Factory has many. We decided to put together a list of our team’s favorites sites for both fun and inspiration....

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How to write a good agile user story

At Brick Factory we use an agile software development process to complete our website development work.  Put very simply, this means we break up the work that needs to be done into smaller pieces called user stories.  These stories are then prioritized and completed during a series of two week work sprints. ...

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The Purpose of the Homepage

When building a new website for a client we almost always start the design process with the homepage. We do this for a few different reasons:

  • For nearly all of our clients (primarily nonprofits, trade associations, and advocacy groups) the homepage is still the most popular page on the site.
  • ...
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A Real-World Guide to Empowering Employees

People often ask me how I come up with topics for conference sessions. Honestly, my whole job is to figure out how to improve our company – to identify and work on areas where we struggle. And that’s what I talk about at conferences, because pretty much all the firms in our industry have the same pain points and the same areas where they need to improve....

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