
Excitement at Journalism That Matters

Like Erin, I enjoyed attending the Journalism That Matters conference this week.  Although a panel discussion that concluded with a bleak prognosis for the current mainstream news media business model kicked off the event, the dreariness only surrounded the business model, not the craft of journalism.

However, many veteran journalists felt threatened by the conference's tone towards traditional journalism as it focused on "citizen journalism's"...

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Journalism that Matters: The DC Sessions

Steve Petersen and I just spent the last two days at a conference here in DC called Journalism that Matters.  I went with the intention of figuring out what the business plan will be for newspapers as we move deeper into the digital era.  I didn't quite figure this out,...

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ActionScript 3.0

The Bivings group is jumping on the ActionScript 3.0 bandwagon, and our clients are coming along for the ride, apparently it's a fast one…

This language is pretty new to everyone and we want to be a pioneer in creating more dynamic and smoother apps for our clients using this awesome new language....

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New Version of I’m With Fred Website Launches

Regular readers of this blog know that we are part of the web development team working on the Fred Thompson website, On Monday afternoon, the team launched a new version of the site. Frankly, I’m too tired to write up a good entry summarizing all the new features so I’m going to cheat and just link out:

(1) The Fred File blog has a good breakdown of what has been added....

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Blogging Tip Central

I'd like to take a few sentences here to point out something new going on over at Problogger.  Blogger Darren Rowse always has useful and interesting posts for people who take blogging seriously.  This month he's focusing on offering up some of his best blogging tips for his readers.  August is "31 Days to Building a Better Blog ",...

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