
Customer Service and Jet Blue

Blog entries about customer service seemed to be following me around yesterday so I figured I’d write a blog post about it. 

First, I read “Seven steps to remarkable customer service” over on the extraordinary blog, Joel On Software.  Joel is the head of Fog Creek Software which makes the excellent FogBugz bug tracking software. ...

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Campaign Site Design Review: Obama for President

My third presidential candidate website review is Barack Obama (previous reviews were of Hillary Clinton and John Edwards' sites). My first impression is a positive one, as this site is constructed very solidly and allows for all of my essential user needs to be met in one pass (mostly. I have to scroll a touch to get to the networking/sharing options)....

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Jeff Jarvis Launches New Site on the “YouTube Campaign”

I’m not sure whether I’m the first or last to notice this, but Jeff Jarvis of Buzz Machine has launched a new blog ( dedicated to what he calls the YouTube campaign.  Prezvid has been added to my feed reader. 

To give you a taste, here is a video Jarvis put together offering John McCain some unsolicited advice on his use of video on the web. ...

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McCain’s Website

John McCain launched his new website late last week and plenty of smart folks have already weighed in, so I'll skip a full review and just link out. 

I will say that upon seeing the site my first association was with the movie Schindler's List.  Like McCain's site,...

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The Post on Obama and Facebook

Jose Antonio Vargas from the Washington Post has a good article today about massive network of supporters that is developing on Facebook around Barack Obama's Presidential candidacy.  Of course, I'm biased here, as The Bivings Group is quoted in the piece.

Here is what we/I had to say:

"The key point here is that the support for Obama on these social-networking sites is not being driven by the campaign itself....

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