
The Magazine Study Revisited

After our presentation for the Magazine Publishers of America in NYC on Tuesday, we received some requests for additional research.  I spent this morning trying to find some statistical explanations for the performance of the magazine websites by running some regressions, checking for correlation between the presence of Web features and traffic (as measured by Alexa). ...

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Campaign Site Design Review: Hillary for President

Part one of my review of the top presidential campaign sites starts with Hillary Clinton's (exploratory committee) site .

As I've mentioned in a past post, this site impresses me with its lack of fluff and solid design. The red, white and blue palette is toned down for a less giddy experience....

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Link Roundup (2/8/2007)

  • Waiting To Hear From Edwards from MyDD

    Super influential liberal blogger Chris Bowers draws a line in the sand with the Edward's campaign over the potential firing of campaign bloggers Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan. At this point the Edward's campaign has pretty much pissed off the entire blogosphere over this (liberal and conservative). 

  • ...
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McCain and Blog Outreach

Yesterday David All live blogged a conference call John McCain's campaign staff had with conservative bloggers.  Captain Ed from the conservative blog, Captain's Quarters, posted his insights as well. 

I think there are a couple of key points about campaigns and blogs in general that can be drawn from reading these posts,...

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Bid on a Year of College Tuition

I saw an interesting item up for bid on eBay this morning…an entire year of tuition, room, and board at Oklahoma Wesleyan University.

Apparently, the bidding started Saturday, with the price now up to $7,500 (as of 3:30 pm on 2/5/07).  Tuition, room, and board at this university usually cost about $23,000,...

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