
Search Still Tops The List

It is no secret that Web search results, be they generated from a search engine’s index or be they paid placements, are remarkably effective at driving qualified traffic to a Web site. Since the first search engines appeared, marketers realized this fact and have sought ways to optimize their sites to appear at the top of certain search results pages or to buy their way there....

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SEO vs. Sponsored Listings

Search engine marketing can be broadly divided into two main categories – search engine optimization and paid search placements. Both methods have a place in a company’s overall online marketing strategy, but one or the other may be more suitable for a particular situation. Each also has its own unique set of costs,...

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Wi-Fi For All

The proliferation of open Wi-Fi networks has reached a point where high speed Internet access is free to anyone with a Wi-Fi card in many downtowns, villages, shopping centers, apartment complexes, etc. throughout the country. These networks are being hosted by individuals, cafes, restaurants, schools, corporations, and even local governments....

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Mobile Marketing

PDA phones, be they Blackberries, or Windows or Palm based, are becoming more and more prevalent every day. As our lives become more hectic, and small electronic devices continue to merge into single multifunctional tools like PDA phones, people are learning how to use such devices to make their lives easier at work,...

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The Podcasting Phenomenon

Podcasting is a new method for publishing audio files on the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed in order to receive new files automatically. Instead of reading the content on a computer screen, Podcasting enables users to listen to it on any portable audio device (i.e. an iPod or another type of MP3 player)....

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