
10 Examples of Nonprofits Utilizing Mobile Applications Successfully

According to Nielson, as of March 2012 smart-phones are now in use by 50.4% of American consumers. When this statistic came out, Android dominated the market at 48.5% of all smart-phone purchases while the iPhone was in a close second at 32%. With these statistics in place, Nonprofits (NPO’s) have taken notice and have begun increasing their mobile presence through creative and unique applications....

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Five More Nifty Drupal Modules

Back in February I wrote about Five nifty Drupal modules we use, and I thought it was time to add to the list of the ones we have found very useful.  Please note that the availability of these modules may vary across the different versions of Drupal (5, 6, and 7),...

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The Advantage of Time

As someone who has spent some time consulting for political campaigns,  I always find the post mortems that pop up fast and furious after election day predictable and simplistic.  The winner is a genius.  The loser is a moron.  Nuance is generally sacrificed at the alter of the greater narrative. ...

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Is the Homepage Slider Dead?

The homepage slider has been a design staple in the political and public affairs space for the last half decade, at least. 

For those not familiar with the concept, a slider is an area of a website that allows visitors to scroll through different options like they would a Powerpoint deck. ...

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This is the End: Last Call for the Obama and Romney Campaigns

You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.

We’re finally in the home stretch of the 2012 Presidential election and like a Chili’s at last call, it’s all about some action now. The lights are on and Smilin’ Joe Biden is looking less debonair than he was a few hours and drinks ago,...

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