
Keys to a Successful Client Consultation

At The Brick Factory, we liken the process of building websites to that of building a house. In both cases, building something truly great is predicated on establishing a strong foundation on which to build. For us in the web development world, the foundation for any new project is forged not with brick and mortar but by establishing client rapport and setting project goals in the initial client consultation....

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Three Lessons From My First Year as a Business Owner

On October 1, the Brick Factory turned one year old.  We had a great first year.  We are in a good place financially and have done some fantastic work that I’m really proud of. 

On a personal level, the launch of the Brick Factory has been a big change for me. ...

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Living in a HTML5 World

Web development is sometimes like playing Whack-a-Mole. Since there are several different browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, others) running on different operating systems, it is really frustrating to develop for all of them since each has their own quirks. Fortunately, the most recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari render sites enough alike that we rarely run into differences between them....

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5 Common Mistakes Nonprofits Make When Redesigning a Website

Here at The Brick Factory we work with a variety of nonprofits, trade associations and advocacy groups. While each organization has their own unique set of challenges to undertake, its clear there are some recurring hurdles that we jump through on many of our projects.

We put together a quick list of five issues that seem to pop up pretty frequently:...

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The New

Re-imagined is a term usually reserved for remakes of curious 1960’s movies and second acts of flamboyantly-colored Dodge automobiles. Re-imagined is a histrionic way of asking us to give something a second pass. Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes was re-imagined with a bewildered Mark Wahlberg in place of Charlton Heston and the result was a very long first date for me that turned out very badly indeed....

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