Do you have a favorite website that you visit over and over again? This could be a website that assists you at work or is just simply fun.
Well, the Brick Factory has many. We decided to put together a list of our team’s favorites sites for both fun and inspiration....
Continue ReadingDrupalCon is always a great opportunity to share experiences, knowledge and some funny stories about our daily work.
What caught my attention last year was the reaction from fellow drupalers when I said I was using the Migration API to move content from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8....
Continue ReadingAt Brick Factory we use an agile software development process to complete our website development work. Put very simply, this means we break up the work that needs to be done into smaller pieces called user stories. These stories are then prioritized and completed during a series of two week work sprints. ...
Continue ReadingWhen building a new website for a client we almost always start the design process with the homepage. We do this for a few different reasons:
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