There is a new site called Fake Your Space that allows users to pay 99 cents to have “hot” men and women post comments to their profiles on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook (see “Sly” to the right). You can even tell them what to write!

I guess the idea is that if you have fake hot friends, real hot friends are sure to follow.

I hope this is a joke and turns out to be fake. Otherwise it is a pretty clear sign of the apocalypse.

<Via Monkey Bites>

About the Author
Todd Zeigler
Todd Zeigler serves as the Brick Factory’s chief strategist and oversees the operations of the firm. In his sixteen year career in digital, he has planned and implemented campaigns for clients including the Pickens Plan, International Youth Foundation, Panthera, Edison Electric Institute, and the American Chemistry Council. Todd develops ambitious online advocacy programs, manages crises, implements online marketing strategies, and develops custom applications and software. He is bad at golf though.