(1) Twitter: All Trivia, All The Time

Is Twitter a phenomenon or the Spring 2007 version of parachute pants?  BusinessWeek takes a look at the pros and cons of the service.

(2) Blogs turn 10–who’s the father?

CNET tries to figure out who the first blogger was.

(3) How Arianna did it

Jeff Jarvis breaks down the role of networked journalism in cracking the Vote Different mystery

(4) Fears of a YouTube Swiftboat

Wired: “Campaign finance lawyers and others in the realm of politics worry that the explosive viral dynamic illustrated by the Vote Different video could lend enormous power to disinformation campaigns — the swiftboating of YouTube. Anonymous advertisements show a new ability to exert an outsize influence in shaping voters’ sense of reality and the candidates’ messages, they say.”

About the Author
Todd Zeigler
Todd Zeigler serves as the Brick Factory’s chief strategist and oversees the operations of the firm. In his sixteen year career in digital, he has planned and implemented campaigns for clients including the Pickens Plan, International Youth Foundation, Panthera, Edison Electric Institute, and the American Chemistry Council. Todd develops ambitious online advocacy programs, manages crises, implements online marketing strategies, and develops custom applications and software. He is bad at golf though.