Get productive with the best Facebook Apps

Lifehacker breaks down Facebook Apps that can improve productivity.

A Social-Networking Service With a Velvet Rope

New York Times on Digg/Revision3/Pownce founder Kevin Rose. If anyone wants a Pownce invite, let me know in the comments. I’ve got a few left.

coComment to Launch New Version Tomorrow

A new version of this comment tracking service will go live tomorrow. You can check out the beta below:
u: betatester
p: cocommentv2

Learning from Dave Winer

Joel on Software post explaining why he and Dave Winer don’t allow comments on their blogs. If I was a big-shot blogger like Winer or Joel, I could see how comments could get in the way. But as a writer for a specialized, modestly read blog, I’m happy to receive comments at all and think they add value to the posts instead of taking value away.

9 Ways to Build Your Own Social Network

Techcrunch breaks down options for building a social networking component into your website.

About the Author
Todd Zeigler
Todd Zeigler serves as the Brick Factory’s chief strategist and oversees the operations of the firm. In his sixteen year career in digital, he has planned and implemented campaigns for clients including the Pickens Plan, International Youth Foundation, Panthera, Edison Electric Institute, and the American Chemistry Council. Todd develops ambitious online advocacy programs, manages crises, implements online marketing strategies, and develops custom applications and software. He is bad at golf though.