As a web development firm, quality assurance is a big part of what we do at Brick Factory. Before launching anything to a live environment, we test site features on multiple devices (such as tablets, mobile phones, and computers) using multiple browsers (Safari, Chrome, etc.).  

When performing quality assurance, one of the challenges can be succinctly explaining the steps that were taken to produce a bug.  This is particularly true of more complicated applications that accept multiple user inputs, such as a shopping cart or online database.  

One of the biggest process improvements we have made the last few years is the increased use video in our bug reporting process.  Instead of trying to describe the bug using words and photos as we have traditionally done, we create videos demonstrating the bug with audio explanation.  The process is quick for our testers to produce and extremely clear to our developers reviewing the bug.

Here is a video I made for our development team demonstrating bugs I found for our client, Gabby Bernstein.  

I have used two pieces of software to produce the videos: Awesome Screenshot and Loom.  The two products are very similar and easy to use.  It typically takes me less than five minutes to create a video that I will attach to my bug report.  

For both, you install a browser plugin on your computer that you use to record your screen.  When making a recording, you have the option to include audio in the screen recording.  Once you click done, the video is saved to your account with the service and quickly encoded so you can easily share.  You also have the option to download your video.

I originally used Awesome Screenshot but have recently switched to Loom, primarily because it has a slightly better user interface and an integration with the project management software we use, Jira.  Both products have free versions that will likely meet most of your needs.

In addition to bug reporting, I have also started using video recordings as a way to communicate to clients and co-workers.  As an example, if I get an email from a client about how to update something via their site’s Content Management System, I have started sending them a quick how to video.  It is quicker than writing out exhaustive text instructions and also easier for them to follow.

About the Author
Todd Zeigler
Todd Zeigler serves as the Brick Factory’s chief strategist and oversees the operations of the firm. In his sixteen year career in digital, he has planned and implemented campaigns for clients including the Pickens Plan, International Youth Foundation, Panthera, Edison Electric Institute, and the American Chemistry Council. Todd develops ambitious online advocacy programs, manages crises, implements online marketing strategies, and develops custom applications and software. He is bad at golf though.