Author Archive

Rejected Holiday Post Ideas!

2021 has been an eventful year for Brick Factory. We celebrated our tenth anniversary, welcomed new faces, partnered with some new clients, and completed a lot of great work. Most importantly, everyone at Brick Factory made it through the year healthy and safe.

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Five simple ways to secure your WordPress site

Most of the websites we manage are built-in WordPress, which is the most popular Content Management System in the world. With the rise of cyberattacks over the last few years, we are frequently asked whether websites can be run securely and safely on WordPress.  

The short answer is yes....

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How to design an effective website footer

When creating a website, the footer is often designed as an afterthought.  They are the least exciting part of the design, so are often put together without much intention.  

This is a mistake and a missed opportunity.  Every component of your website offers an opportunity to communicate with your audiences.  ...

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Using Video to Improve the Quality Assurance Process

As a web development firm, quality assurance is a big part of what we do at Brick Factory. Before launching anything to a live environment, we test site features on multiple devices (such as tablets, mobile phones, and computers) using multiple browsers (Safari, Chrome, etc.).  

When performing quality assurance,...

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How we survived 2020

2020 has been something. In this year’s holiday email we review how our team got through the year. Happy Holidays!...

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