
New Version of Launches


Yesterday we launched a new version of the marketing site for our monitoring platform, ImpactWatch.  The new site includes new branding and copy, a new IW Twitter feed and a redesigned blog.  I would encourage you to check out the blog if you haven’t already.  JW has a great post up that provides a bit of a behind the scenes look at our redesign process and Hannah has a good take on a recent social media study. ...

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Using Tweets and ImpactWatch Tools to Predict American Idol

Once again, the Internet is abuzz with predictions and theories about who is going to win American Idol.  In the early days of the competition (back when Kelly Clarkson was still a nobody singing karaoke and we only hypothesized that we hated the British without actually knowing it through Simon Cowell),...

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More on Comcast and Tweets

[This post is cross-posted at the ImpactWatch Blog] 

To follow up on a recent post concerning Comcast’s effort to answer consumer complaints via Twitter, I used Tweet Scan to search specifically for Comcast posts and research exactly with what we are dealing. A basic one-word search found well over 1000 tweets about Comcast within just the last couple of hours,...

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Comcast and Twitter

Over the weekend, two of the users I follow on Twitter, David All and Techcrunch (Michael Arrington), had separate problems with Comcast and vented about them via their Twitter accounts. Comcast apparently monitors Twitter and proactively reached out to both of them.

Here is the relevant tweet from Techrunch:

And here is the tweet from David:

An article in the Consumerist confirms that other users have received responses after complaining via Twitter....

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Reuters Wants to Play Tag

ReadWriteWeb's Alex Iskold blogged last week about how Reuters is trying to help organize all on the Internet — including its own content — by launching its API — Open Calais.

As complex as programming and APIs can get, the idea behind Open Calais is rather simple.  Reuters simply wants to find a better way to easily identify important bits of information in an article or on a web page. ...

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