
5 Must-Know Google Analytics Tips

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows organizations to measure the performance of their websites and gauge the effectiveness of their digital campaigns. While the basic Google Analytics capabilities of tracking visitors and pageviews are generally understood, there are other more advanced techniques worth implementing that allow for webmasters to better understand their audience and evaluate how effective a digital strategy is at reaching them....

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Will Twitter Kill @ThBlackSquirrel Or How Not to Blog

Mixed up in today’s extremely active Twitter stream,  you may have noticed  one topic that seemed out of place, namely that Trendsmap or @TrendsDC was showing a fairly popular dive bar called The Black Squirrel was suddenly a trending topic. Looking into the issue further,  I found that the traffic was being generated after someone discovered the following post on the restaurant’s blog: “Spare Us Your Cheap Laughs"...

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PBS NewsHour and Social Media – How to Make the Most of Your Content

New Blog Post – Online Media and Social Networking by #PBS @NewsHour @KateGardiner – #DCMM

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New Advocacy Site Maps and Tracks Journalists in Peril

New media journalists around the globe face technological barriers and increasing dangers when reporting from within the boundaries of protective governments. A new site by Global Voices Advocacy maps and tracks journalists who have been threatened or arrested and aggregates the information into a robust map database with real-time statistics and details of each case....

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Tapping into Your Organization’s Data

I’m at the CIO Perspectives Forum here in DC today, and I participated in an interesting lunch discussion.  This discussion focused on how organizations can better manage the content that they generate.  There were several interesting issues brought up – of which a few I’ll mention below.


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