
SEO Showdown: Obama vs McCain

HubSpot is an Internet marketing company that helps company increase their visibility online.  As part of their marketing strategy, they have built an interesting tool that grades how visible your site is in search engines.  Stealing an idea from TechCrunch, I ran a quick report that compared the McCain and Obama websites.   ...

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John McCain Redesigns Website

Last night, the McCain web team launched a graphic redesign of their campaign website (feature set looks more or less the same). I like the new look a lot and think it is a real improvement over the well done second iteration and depressing first version.  This is a very nice looking website....

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What You Need with Wii

I finally caved…I caved and bought a Wii.  Perhaps it was because I have not had a gaming system since the Nintendo 64, perhaps it was due to the overwhelming press circulating the rarity of finding one, or perhaps it was simply due to the fact that I have a housemate with a giant television,...

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Will Contextual Advertising Work on TV?

Since when did Alyssa Milano and Ethan Suplee hawk Klondike Bars?...

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5 Reasons Why I Vote Linux

I have been a Windows user since 3.x on a 33 MHz Packard Bell PC with 2 MB of video RAM, which at the time cost an arm and a leg and blew our Mac 2e out of the water (the video memory was later upgraded to a whopping 4 MB to run Rebel Assault II,...

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