
Tech Meets Cycling

I ride my bicycle to work whenever possible through the scenic District of Columbia, which offers me numerous benefits. It forces me to exercise regularly, cuts down on commuting costs, is a zero emissions method of navigating the city streets (aside from manufacturing processes), and it’s much quicker door-to-door than driving through rush hour traffic....

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Our Experience with Basecamp

Around eight months ago we made the decision to start using Basecamp to manage nearly all our projects.  Prior to the move to Basecamp, we used a patch work of tools to manage our work.  We had an internal wiki we used for many of our task lists and project documentation. ...

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“The biggest challenge to better design isn’t getting better designers.”

I came across a great article today entitled How to Design for Your Worst Client: You. While the article aims to provide designers with tips for designing their own personal websites, there are some some lessons that anyone working on a web design project can learn from.

“Be as specific as you can on what you would like on each page....

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Integrating Tweetbacks into your WordPress Blog

Conversations about blog posts are increasingly taking place on Twitter in addition to the comments section of blogs.  Due to this trend, over the last six months we’ve seen lots of blogs integrate tweetbacks into their comment sections.  Building on the trackback concept, a tweetback searches Twitter for links to specific blog pots and displays relevant tweets in the comments section of your blog. ...

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Conference Attendance Optimization

I was in Las Vegas last week to participate in an ACG Intergrowth panel about how the rise of the social web is changing the way we network.  David Teten, the author of the book the Virtual Handshake and CEO of Teten Advisors, was one of my fellow panelists and also a featured speaker at the conference. ...

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