My daughter's math class needed to find examples of periodic behavior and estimate a sine curve to fit the data, both manually and by using a TI-83 calculator. Obvious examples of periodic behavior are average city monthly temperatures and low/high tides. My daughter wanted something a bit more unusual; her teacher suggested looking at data for live births by month in the U.S....
Continue ReadingAround eight months ago we made the decision to start using Basecamp to manage nearly all our projects. Prior to the move to Basecamp, we used a patch work of tools to manage our work. We had an internal wiki we used for many of our task lists and project documentation. ...
Continue ReadingTwitter was barely off the ground before companies and programmers were looking for ways to monetize it, and a new tool by 83 Degrees has found a new way to do that.
The tech company on Sunday launched Super Chirp, a subscription-based service allowing Twitter users to require payment to receive certain direct messages....
Continue ReadingI came across a great article today entitled How to Design for Your Worst Client: You. While the article aims to provide designers with tips for designing their own personal websites, there are some some lessons that anyone working on a web design project can learn from.
“Be as specific as you can on what you would like on each page....
Continue ReadingPresident Obama made his way into office with a tech savvy campaign team and promises to use new technologies to change the way government gets its job done. With the campaign over and the administration under way, shifting rhetoric into action has happened in notable ways but also raised major concerns....
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