
WordPress Mobile Edition Plugin is Pretty Slick

We were a bit behind in updating our blog to the latest version of WordPress, so we spent some time today getting caught up.  As part of the upgrade we installed the WordPress Mobile Edition plugin, which automatically creates a mobile version of your blog that is displayed to users visiting your site from smart phones and PDAs. ...

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Four Tools for Managing Twitter Followers

I’m not sure why Twitter makes it difficult to manage followers within their own site, but fortunately there are several 3rd party options available. I’ve been playing around with these applications, and a lot are a waste of time in my opinion.

However, the ones below, are the few that I found to be useful and that actually work....

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Our Experience with Highrise

Over the years, we’ve attempted to use Customer Relationship Management systems such as Salesforce and Sugar CRM internally as a way of tracking our own sales process.  Our needs on this front are pretty straightforward, so both Salesforce and Sugar CRM seemed like way more functionality than we needed and fell into disuse pretty quickly. ...

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ESPN Releases New Twitter/Facebook Policy, Tries to Control Reporter Socnet Content

Late yesterday, ESPN basketball reporter Ric Bucher sent out the tweet above in response to a set of social networking guidelines put out by the network.  The new guidelines prohibit reporters from maintaining personal websites or blogs containing sports content, require that employees get permission from a supervisor prior to participating in socnets and calls for social networking content to fall under the same editorial guidelines as other ESPN media....

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Twitter Suggestions for Your Company

While getting my much needed cup of coffee this morning, I overheard a lady behind me say something along the lines of, "What about this Twitter thing… how can we use it to market us?"

I didn’t listen to the rest of the conversation, as my focus was on coffee and waking up. ...

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