
Nine Ways to Improve the Drupal Administrative Experience

In the open source world, you often hear people observe that Drupal was built for developers while WordPress was built for content managers.  This observation contains thinly veiled criticism of both platforms.  For Drupal the implication is that the platform doesn’t provide a great user experience for content managers.

The criticism sticks because it is sort of true.  ...

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5 Drupal Websites That Will Elicit Envy

What makes a great website? Is it the copy writing? The layout? The interactive features? The copious amounts of cute animal pictures? Maybe it’s all of the above. And more.

No matter what it is that makes your website great, you can do it in Drupal.

Drupal is a popular open source content management system (CMS) much like WordPress....

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Your Awful Fonts, Ranked

With so many articles griping about the bad font choices that new web designers use, it seemed appropriate to write one that didn’t end with an ode to your top seed, Comic Sans. Instead, I’ve completely disrupted that trend by placing it at number 3. Here are 10 fonts that hurt my feelings....

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Attack of the Clones: 2016 Candidates “Borrow” Obama’s Donation Page Design

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then the digital team that worked on the 2012 Obama campaign must be feeling downright exalted.

After a bunch of experimentation and testing, the 2012 Obama campaign ended up with a donation page layout that included a large, inspiring quote of the candidate and a stepped donation process that made it dead simple to give (you can see an updated version here). ...

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The Good and the Ugly: A Tale of 15 Presidential Campaign Websites

How do the candidates stack up?

Your website is your digital doppelganger. Making a good first impression can determine success or failure.

When it comes to running for president in the digital era, a well designed website may be the most important tool in the proverbial toolbox.  ...

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