
Top 5 Best Senate Campaign Website Designs

In putting together the report we released last week, The Use of the Internet by 2008 Senate Campaigns, my co-workers took the time to identify the websites of everyone running for the Senate this year.  Since my co-workers already did the hard part in finding the sites, I figured I’d cruise through the list and pick out my most and least favorites from a design perspective.   ...

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Do you need a Content Management System?

Almost all the sites we build at The Bivings Group these days use Content Management Systems (we usually use Drupal or WordPress).  However, we do occasionally build old fashioned static sites when we know a site isn’t going to be updated that often and/or it is design heavy and we’ll be charged with managing it. ...

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New York Times is Most Popular U.S. Newspaper on Twitter

Via her Twitter account, Katie Harbath recently pointed to a great list of U.S. newspapers with Twitter accounts. The list is being maintained by Erica Smith, who works for the St. Louis Post Dispatch.   She has updates for January, February/March, April, May, June and July. Erica is currently tracking 303 newspaper Twitter accounts,...

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The Use of the Internet by 2008 Senate Campaigns

We recently completed a study of the use of the Internet by 2008 candidates for the United States Senate.  This report, which is a follow up to similar studies we conducted in 2006 and 2002, examines what features Senate candidates include on their campaign websites.  You can read the full report outlining our methodology here....

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Failed Senate Candidate Murray Sabrin Launches a “Money Bomb”

The transparent fundraising techniques (aka the “money bomb”) pioneered by Ron Paul are slowly starting to be adopted by candidates for lower offices.  Murray Sabrin is currently running a “money bomb” on his site in an attempt to pay down the debt he incurred running in the Republican primary for the right to face New Jersey Senator Dick Durbin. ...

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