
Sergey Brin’s Lecture available on Google Video

Google's Sergey Brin gave a talk to students at Cal-Berkeley last October on "Search Engines, Technology and Business." The lecture is now available on Google Video.

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Two Major Stories on Click Fraud

Anyone conducting keyword ad campaigns on sites like Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Engine Marketing should check out these two recent articles on click fraud:

  • Click Fraud is Growing on the Web – New York Times
  • Click Fraud: The Dark Side of Online Advertising –
  • ...
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Reliving the Past through Google News Archive

“Yes, America, the Buffalo Bills are back, like the neighbors who won't leave, like the horror movie villains who die but keep returning to terrorize Metropolis…” – Rocky Mountain News, January 26, 1994.

It was almost 13 years ago, and I was only 15 years old back then,...

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Spam+Blogs=Splogs — A Growing Menace to the Blogosphere

Splogs are to blogs as spam is to emails.  It's a scam, a growing problem on the Internet, and splogs are threatening to pollute the blogosphere.  They seriously challenge efforts to monitor real conversations in the blogosphere.

There's a very good article in the September 2006 issue of Wired (in print,...

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A few cups…a few pints….what’s the difference?

A few weeks ago I found myself in the dairy section of Whole Foods with my girlfriend trying to remember how many cups were in a pint. We were picking up ingredients for a recipe that called for 3 cups of buttermilk. She picked up one pint, saying, “This should do it.”...

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