When putting together navigation elements on the sites we build, our number one priority is presenting users with clear choices so they can quickly find what they are looking for. On the web, usability is branding. John Graham-Cumming points to a great example from Network Solutions of how not to name the options on your site. ...
Continue ReadingA few days ago (on a cloudy day, when I began writing this post), I received my Jolicloud private alpha 2b developer version invite. After creating a Jolicloud account and downloading a 600MB .img file, I copied it over as a bootable USB thumb drive and was off to the races....
Continue ReadingAs I have worked at The Bivings Group, I have focused on helping design websites and applications for specific audiences – professionals and adult aged individuals. Many of the clients I have worked with don't need to focus on children, and young web surfers have unique needs.
Continue ReadingAround eight months ago we made the decision to start using Basecamp to manage nearly all our projects. Prior to the move to Basecamp, we used a patch work of tools to manage our work. We had an internal wiki we used for many of our task lists and project documentation. ...
Continue ReadingI came across a great article today entitled How to Design for Your Worst Client: You. While the article aims to provide designers with tips for designing their own personal websites, there are some some lessons that anyone working on a web design project can learn from.
“Be as specific as you can on what you would like on each page....
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