
Thinking in Widgets: A Better Page Building Experience in Drupal

A few years ago we realized the old strategy of designing websites page by page was dying a slow and painful death. Increased complexity and more complicated requirements were increasingly rendering the approach useless and inefficient. Since then, we’ve been revamping our entire website planning and build process to keep up with the more complex,...

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How We Built It: African Parks Website

Over the last few years, we have embraced a systems-based approach to website development. Instead of designing and developing page templates, we focus on defining overall styles for a site and creating reusable components called widgets. Widgets are the building blocks that content managers use to build pages.

In my Design Systems,...

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Webinar: How to Build a Component-based Drupal Site with Stacks


Here is a video recording of the webinar for those of you who were unable to attend the session.

Original Post

The frontend world is buzzing with talk of pattern libraries, atomic design, and component-based design. The benefits of implementing a component-based system have been discussed ad nauseam,...

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“Design Systems, Not Pages” Presentation from MidCamp

A year or so ago I wrote a blog post, “Design Systems, Not Pages“, that outlines how our design process has evolved over the last few years.  Our primarily design deliverables are now style guides and reusable components, instead of page templates.  As an extension of this new process, we built a Drupal module called Stacks that allows for content mangers to create robust,...

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14 Takeaways from Drupalcon Baltimore

We went big at Drupalcon Baltimore this year. We were a Silver sponsor of the overall conference, sponsored the nonprofit summit, and half our team attended. We learned a lot and had a great time exploring Baltimore. Here are some reflections on our experience this year.

(1) Our Chief Operating Officer Hannah Del Porto participated in this year’s prenote....

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