Bringing together members of the government as well as representatives from the technology and communications industries, this past Tuesday’s FedTalks 2010 conference in Washington D.C. was a success both on-line and offline.
If you didn’t catch our live tweeting the event from @bivings, check out the latest instance of Slurp140 we created specifically for Fedtalks 2010!...
Continue ReadingAs a web development firm, we’re closely following the progress of HTML 5, which is the latest HTML standard that promises to dramatically change the web. At this point, only a small percentage of Internet users are capable of viewing sites in HTML 5, as most browsers don’t support the standard yet. ...
Continue Reading(this is part 1 of a 2 part BivingsReport Debate on the merits of Google TV)
Argument #1: The new tv platform from Google has the power to legitimately revolutionize the way we watch TV. Unlike AppleTV, Google and its platforms have effectively permeated most facets of technological life in this country....
Continue ReadingOn September 22nd, I attended a meetup hosted by DC Media Makers featuring DevelopmentSeed – a firm specializing in open source data visualization and map development. Over the course of the last several years, this company has created custom maps detailing election fraud and corruption in Afghanistan as well as the post-Earthquake aid work going on in Haiti by 47 different non-profits....
Continue ReadingThe Gov2.0 Summit is going on right now in the Washington DC metropolitan area. We here at the Bivings Group were lucky enough to be able to attend the event and learn about the way new technology is impacting the future of Government.
Do you want in on the action?...
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